Officer Willis A. Martin was slain in the line of duty February 27, 1921. His body was found in the rear of the Segal Shoe Store, 629 Good Hope, at about 7:30 am with two bullet holes through his body. The Coroner's inquest estimates the he was killed between 3 and 4 a.m. that morning presumably by burglars when investigating an open door. The autopsy revealed that Officer Martin was not killed instantly, dying from loss of blood. A new revolver, identified as one stolen from the Taylor, Masterson & Linson Store some time ago, was lying under his body and his own revolver, with hammer back, was lying at his feet in an apparent preparation for encountering danger. Two bullets struck Patrolman Martin in the back, one of them passing through his body at an angle that leads investigators to believe the person who shot was crouching. The other bullet passed through the body almost horizontally.
Officer Martin’s body was found by Anton Schaaf, his brother Lawrence Schaaf, and another man, Adolph Jerosik, after suspecting a burglary and peering inside the business.
Four men were arrested for the murder. After being arrested, one of the men implicated another of the men as the actual trigger man. All suspects were later released.
Officer Willis Martin was 60 years old and had been a resident of Cape Girardeau 26 years. He was survived by his wife Anna and five children. Interred: Fairmont Cemetery.
Missouri Law Enforcement Memorial